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Management Development Workshops Webinars

Client organizations will be provided with timely, topical workshop seminars and webinars that provide pertinent employee relations and employee law information and education which allow for effective and efficient management of the workforce.

These workshops and seminars will be custom designed and conducted by expert presenters off-site, on client premises as mutually agreed, videoconferenced or webcasted through the world wide web. Workbooks will be provided to workshop participants.

Professional Associations

Upon request, professional and trade associations will be provided with presentations and workshops regarding both the general and specific human resources management initiatives of the day and the future.

Board of Director and Senior Executive Retreats

The top leadership of organizations and companies are provided with assistance in designing and conducting one and two-day management retreats to set the course for current and future organizational and operational initiatives.


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Leadership Coaching

Management Development Workshops Webinars


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A Few of the Workshops & Webinars Offered

Basic Supervision for New Managers & A Tune Up for Veteran Managers: Strategies, Approaches & Techniques

Seminar Mgmt 101

Far too many qualified and motivated professionals and technicians have been promoted or appointed to supervisory and management positions based solely on their past performance. The thought was that if they were good professionals or technicians they would also be good managers. Many of these managers were not provided with the proper management tools needed for success and consequently never fulfilled their potential or “burnt out.” Even the best professional needs management development. Also, many veteran managers, with years in management, have had no formal management education and development and are oftentimes fearful that their management decisions and actions may put the company and themselves at risk. Many are stressed out and are seriously considering leaving the management ranks. Today’s employers know that many good managers and leaders are not always born – they are also developed. You will learn: The key elements of supervision in the “New Economy” The five key components of the “New Workplace” How to incorporate and utilize the four new definitions of productivity Insight into the nature of tomorrow’s workforce What management and your staff expect from you and how to deliver it How to successfully develop and use a departmental Action Plan How to develop and use your personal Action Plan How to teach others to develop and follow-through on their individual and team Action Plans The most common management mistakes and pitfalls to avoid The difference between leadership and management and how to use both Why coaching individuals and teams is so highly coveted by today’s upper management The elements of successful employee motivation How to build and maintain credibility

Leadership – A Lost Art Recovered

Seminar Mgmt 102

Many can manage but few know how to lead. Leadership is the number one expectation of today’s manager. Organizations aggressively covet leaders because these individuals know how to inspire and motivate their workforce to optimum performance. You will learn to: Lead by example Generate ideas and consistently obtain peak performance from your workgroup Get results, not excuses Integrate the company vision with individual and group actions that produce results Articulate expectations Follow-up on accountabilities

Coaching For Champions

Seminar Mgmt 103

Today’s manager is not only a manager, but is expected to be a leader, cheerleader, fan and coach. The emphasis on management in the millennium is for leaders who can do more than demand and reprimand. Teachers who can coach in the workplace are key and critical assets to the workplace and its workforce. You will learn how to: Coach individuals and teams to ascribe to and achieve excellence Identify potential workplace leaders and nurture and develop them Introduce and implement the strategic planning process as a key component to your work group in order to achieve and sustain individual and team success Coach others to coach Praise in public and criticize in private

Team Building: Strategies that Strengthen Your Organization

Seminar Mgmt 104

The ability to assemble and transform individuals into an effective, efficient and productive team involves expertise, skill and a true understanding of the human condition. It can’t be accomplished by accident or serendipity; it requires effort, energy and commitment. You will learn: The types of teams How to develop the skills needed to be a successful team leader How to define your team’s purpose Ways to communicate the team’s purpose to others in order to achieve optimum performance and productivity How many should be on a team How to use individual differences for collective advantage The nine components effective teams need How to build and maintain team trust How to deal with non-contributing team members To identify and address the six team-building issues

Change: Old Dawgs Can Learn New Tricks – Especially When the Big Dawg Barks!

Seminar Mgmt 105

Change in the workplace is only successful when top leadership is also committed. Focus groups, endless TQM meetings and consultants are not the reasons for change. Change doesn’t come from “Champions from Middle Management” or from the workforce-at-large. Change occurs and is sustained only when it comes from the top down and it is only successful when it is corporate-wide, from the CEO down to the hourly custodian. You will learn how to: Elicit clear and concise mission, strategic and action plans from management and staff regarding the workplace “change initiative” Embrace change as a good and necessary component to company health, survival and prosperity Deal with your own reluctance to change – both conscious and sub-conscious Assist employees in understanding and embracing the necessity for change Reward those who assist in sustainable change

Motivation – A Soft Skill Leading to Hard Dollars

Seminar Mgmt 106

Motivating employees, co-workers and managers requires more than money and/or threats – it requires an ability to achieve buy-in. It answers the inevitable question “What’s in it for me?” Sustaining motivation is a process that must constantly be revisited and fine-tuned as needed. You will learn to: Organize your thoughts and articulate your rationale for consistent performance Use the Six Step Plan to increase employee performance and productivity Incorporate the nine management rules used to establish and sustain employee motivation Sell your ideas to resistant people Engage others in contributing their ideas and approaches in order to achieve more effective and efficient outcomes Deal with resistance and opinions different from your own Avoid trendy motivational gimmicks Teach tried and true motivational approaches to others

Managing a Diverse Workforce-Impacts and Rewards

Seminar Mgmt 107

Cutting edge companies in today’s marketplace realize that the customer is king and queen. Workplace diversity may be the edge that allows your company to not only survive but prosper. Talented employees whose contributions assist the company to better serve the customer are highly valued and prized. Consequently, race, gender, age, nationality and persons who are differently-abled are oftentimes the difference that makes the difference in your organization’s success. You will learn how to: Lead, coach, manage and mold individuals who are different into an efficient and focused work group with a common goal to in order to produce a product or service that meets and surpasses customer demands. Role play and interact in realistic situations that will further enhance and increase your skills as a leader of a diverse workforce

Recruitment, Interviewing & Retention – Choice or Chance

Seminar Mgmt 108

Learn the steps necessary to conduct a successful recruitment. Learn how to ensure that you receive a handsome return on your recruitment dollars and efforts by keeping your qualified employees pleased, performing and producing. You will learn how to: Establish and follow a successful recruitment plan Use the five elements of an effective interview Effectively use the ten steps necessary to prepare for and conduct a successful interview Use a combination of informational, situational and behavior-based questions when interviewing top job candidates Prepare for and conduct Team or Panel interviews Identify and avoid discriminatory interview questions Select the most qualified candidate Establish a Retention Plan that keeps your top choice and others satisfied and continuously contributing to your company’s profits

Performance Evaluations: Learn How You Can Use This Key Organizational Tool

Seminar Mgmt 109

Employee performance evaluations need not be an onerous chore but an eagerly anticipated opportunity for employee development. The focus will be on the many benefits of properly planned and conducted employee performance evaluations. You will learn: The true purpose of employee performance evaluations The foundation of appraisal programs The nine steps of the performance appraisal process The pro’s and con’s of performance evaluations How to eliminate bias from the appraisal process How to manage the evaluation process in the Information Age How to plan and prepare yourself and your staff member for an effective, efficient and productive review that lessens anxiety and stresses current and future performance. How to communicate those employee changes and modifications necessary for individual and group success Unlearn all those bad things about evaluations you hated when you were improperly evaluated Use the process to foster future improvement Deal with difficult employees whose performance has been sub-par

Employee Handbook Design: Policies, Procedures and Past Practices

Seminar Mgmt 110

Attorneys and consultants continuously receive phone calls from beleaguered clients with employment law and staff relations questions like, “How much vacation does a new employee earn?” “What do I do if an employee is called to military, jury or witness duty?” “When must I pay overtime and how is it calculated?” “Can an employee demand to look in his personnel folder?” One of my managers has been accused of sexual harassment and discrimination! What should I do?” These and similar questions should be answered in your company’s employee handbook. With very few exceptions, we recommend that our clients have an employee handbook. An effective handbook promotes better employee relations by reducing misunderstandings and complaints about employer policies and procedures and helps to ensure that all employees are treated in an equitable and consistent manner. Additionally, a well-written and maintained handbook assists you in complying with the many local, state and federal laws, regulations and guidelines, thus avoiding time-consuming and costly litigation. You will learn: How to design, implement, administer and maintain your employee handbook The difference between a company’s policy manual and its employee handbook Why you should have a separate company policy manual and a separate employee handbook Whether your handbook is or is not regarded as an employment contract How employment-at-will works How a well-written employee handbook and company manual can serve as a defense should you and your company find yourselves before the bench. You will also learn: How to handle reference requests Hiring and Interviewing Standards of Conduct How to write Job Summaries Wage & Salary Administration Benefits Administration How to handle a Sexual Harassment claim Problem Resolution Performance Evaluation Discipline Non-disclosure and non-compete Termination of Employment

Employee Discipline for Results – Not Punishment

Seminar Mgmt 201

Anybody can browbeat, threaten and/or intimidate staff in order to obtain performance – but will the good ones remain and will the bad ones continue to take it? Employees need information, facts and examples of unacceptable performance before they can make behavior modifications. They need to know what they’re doing well and what they’re not doing well in order to meet your expectations. You will learn how to: Determine appropriate discipline Communicate to the employee the rule, regulation, policy, procedure or past practice that has been broken and is the reason for the discipline Tell sub-par non-performers what needs to be changed or corrected so that they can achieve optimum performance Discipline staff members regarding unacceptable behavior or conduct Avoid the “halo” and “horn” effect when disciplining employees Use praise in public and criticism in private Avoid being the “recipient” of the race, gender, age or disabled employee “card” when employees disagree with your disciplinary decision Properly document disciplinary action for remediation and/or termination

Terminations: Done Right

Seminar Mgmt 202

Few managers complete their careers without having to terminate a subordinate. This is a task that sometimes must be performed and must be accomplished with consummate skill and sensitivity. Many managers have no idea how to properly conduct a termination. This lack of knowledge puts the manager and the employer at risk. You will learn: The four management goals in a termination The seven types of termination The four legitimate reasons for termination Examples of employee misconduct or poor performance Alternatives to employee termination The seven specific steps to employee termination How to document the previous disciplinary actions taken that lead to the decision to terminate To review the facts that will help you determine whether or not to attempt to rehabilitate or terminate a non-performing employee How to keep your boss and the HR representative informed of the actions taken or to be taken What to communicate and not communicate to remaining staff members regarding the termination of the co-worker

Sexual Harassment/Harassment in the Workplace: Combat Strategies

Seminar Mgmt 203

Harassment is unacceptable conduct in the workplace. It is an extremely costly act. No employer can condone this behavior. This workshop will cover the policies and procedures necessary to ensure a harassment free workplace. You will learn: To look out for the symptoms of harassment in the workplace The laws covering the prohibition of sexual harassment EEOC guidelines regarding harassment What employer policies and procedures constitute an effective employer position on harassment How to respond to an allegation of harassment How to conduct a successful sexual harassment investigation that protects the rights of the alleged harassee as well as the rights of the alleged harasser. How to work with the HR department and legal counsel to resolve harassment issues

Workplace Violence: There’s No Place for This in Our Workplace!

Seminar Mgmt 204

Whether you are a large or small company located in an urban, suburban or rural locale, you are vulnerable to violence in the workplace. It may be due to your company’s policies, procedures or past practices. It may be due to personality clashes, perception of racism, sexism, religious bias, etc. It may have nothing to do with the workplace at all and is caused by the random acts of a troubled employee, employee spouse or friend or enemy of an employee. In any case, this issue is a real palpable concern of all organizations. Few are prepared to deal with workplace violence. You will learn: The most common causes of violence in the workplace and how to identify, prevent and/or remove them How to diffuse workplace violence and protect the safety of others and yourself as well That “John Wayne is dead” and no one else should die or get hurt due to management’s inability to manage conflict and violence in the workplace. Pay attention to what you see and hear in the workplace that could be the cause(s) of conflict and/or workplace violence How to keep your boss(es) abreast of your observations and the steps to be taken to remove or diffuse violence in the workplace How to work with HR and the authorities on issues of violence in the workplace

Investigations: Why, How and by Whom

Seminar Mgmt 205

The FMLA, ADA & Workers’ Compensation: Don’t Get Lost in the Crowd

Seminar Mgmt 206

It is possible to be in compliance with one or two of these three mandated laws and out of compliance with the third. Many refer to the three laws as the “Bermuda Triangle.” You will learn how to: Interpret and administer each law Identify situations in which the laws cause inconsistency and how to make the correct decision when an employee is eligible for the FMLA, ADA and Workers’ Compensation How to work with the human resources and/or benefits department to arrive at a consistent and equitable solution when administering these regulations Communicate to employees the rights and privileges the laws entitle them to

Affirmative Action – Something for Us All

Seminar Mgmt 207

Learn what affirmative action is and is not. It is about opportunity for the qualified and it is not about quotas or the hiring and retention of incompetents. You will learn: The difference between affirmative action and equal employment opportunity The difference between affirmative action and workplace diversity The purpose of affirmative action How to prepare mandated reports How to use affirmative action to your company’s advantage How to educate others regarding the purpose and proper utilization of affirmative action

Auditing Your Company’s HR Function: – How, Where, When and Why

Seminar Mgmt 208

No organization survives or prospers without an intense inward look into its organizational mission, operations and performance. Since 40-60% of an entity’s expenses are dedicated to its workforce it makes good business sense to audit, from time-to-time, the Human Resources Department since it is this unit’s purpose to provide advice, support, guidance and leadership to the organization’s workplace and workforce performance initiatives. You will learn: The steps needed to properly audit the HR function How to identify and enhance those HR processes, functions and activities that add value to an organization’s strategic plan How to identify and modify or eradicate those practices and procedures that do not add value to the overall strategic plan How to communicate to others audit results, findings and the steps to be taken to implement needed changes How to design an on-going audit and update procedure.

Risk Management and the HR Component

Seminar Mgmt 209

The increase in employment-practices litigation combined with stress resulting from “The New Economy” have made the HR function an increasingly crucial organizational component if a company is to avoid common but costly management missteps and pitfalls. Consequently, it falls to your HR function to develop and maintain exposure reduction techniques and strategies while at the same time evolving new methods of managing the workforce and the workplace of the next millenium. You will learn how to: Develop employment-practices E&O/D&O liability risk assessment tools Generate awareness of exposures Educate management and employees regarding the most current and effective human resources essentials to be implemented Inventory and rate current policies, procedures and past practices in order to eliminate or reduce risk exposure Increase productivity and attain optimal revenue goals by reducing and/or eliminating identified risk exposure

Change Management & Today’s Marketplace: Precepts, Proficiencies, Methods & Skills

Seminar Mgmt 210

Government, business, industry and individuals are each confronted with the fast moving and ever-present challenges presented by the global “New Economy.” The key components and demands of this New Economy are speed, information, quality and consistent customer service. No one is exempt from these constant demands. Individuals and organizations are currently in the process of designing and implementing strategies, steps and approaches to survival and success in this new environment. The foremost and most critical components to these initiatives are recognizing, understanding and embracing change. In this workshop you will learn: What is change management The inevitable and evolutionary aspects of change The realities of change which include: transitional, transformational and substitution of current practices, programs and systems How to measure the outputs and outcomes of change How to address emergent and long-term customer and marketplace imperatives How to deal with the multiple impacts of information technology and the accelerating pace of change in hardware and software which demands the constant acquisition of new skills Specific reasons for the design, development and administration of an articulated Change Management Initiative.

The Merits of Mentoring: An Old Way to Arrive at New Heights

Seminar Mgmt 301

In this age of reorganizations, mergers, acquisitions and down-sizings, the ability to nurture, educate and develop management and staff employees seems to have been lost in the shuffle. Customer-driven companies are taking a step back in order to go forward by acknowledging the critical need to combine “high tech with high touch.” The formal and informal practice of mentoring is being hailed as a powerful tool for future planning, performance and company prosperity. You will learn: How others have implemented and maintained mentoring programs, both formal and informal The benefits they have received by instituting and maintaining mentoring programs How to sell the benefits of mentoring to upper management and/or to management and staff How to design and maintain an effective mentoring program How to identify potential mentors and mentees How to pair mentors with mentees How to develop a mentorship program that encompasses diversity, i.e., minorities, women and persons over 40, the disabled, etc.

Succession Planning, the Future and Your Organization

Seminar Mgmt 302

Many organizations, large and small, both in the public and private sectors have voiced concern about the future and the leadership that will manage it. Few have an articulated step-by-step gameplan for identifying, developing, nurturing and preparing today’s and tomorrow’s leaders. Many have realized painfully and after the fact, that by not having this key strategic component in place they have missed a priceless opportunity to strengthen their company’s position in the global marketplace. You will learn how to: Identify the critical elements of a company’s management succession plan Design and sustain an articulated plan Identify, internally and externally qualified and qualifiable candidates for succession Achieve and receive a succession commitment from both candidate and top management Transmit this philosophy and its benefits to and throughout the organization Factor in and utilize workplace diversity as an important sub-component to this initiative

Employees as Participating Partners – The Real Paradigm

Seminar Mgmt 303

We have attended any number of meetings and presentations where the speakers boast proudly and loudly that, “Our employees are our most important asset.” Actions however indicate that employees are not treated as the company’s most important asset – as a matter of fact, employees are treated as the company’s least important asset – and the employees know it! You will learn how to: Develop and maintain a company-wide program that insists that employees become active, aggressive and participating partners in the organization’s effort to survive and prosper in the marketplace Identify the elements and components that ensure that an employee partnership program is successful Introduce and educate leaders in the workplace to the benefits of employee partnering Identify current and future “official and unofficial” leaders to become first-phase employee partners in this new initiative Identify current managers and staff who are not able to embrace change or the employee partnership initiative

The Workforce, The Workplace & The Current Economy

Seminar Mgmt 304

Learn about the changes that are occurring in the workplace and the impacts they are having on you and your workforce. Hear about “business necessity and best practices” from management consultants with clients in 18 different industries, e.g., entertainment, banking, healthcare, high tech, higher education, hospitality, information technology, manufacturing, transportation, utilities, etc. You will learn: How others are successfully embracing change The cause and reasons for resistance to change and how to overcome this recalcitrance Some of the practices they have instituted to maximize performance, productivity and profits Some of the traps and pitfalls they encountered as they began the change process The elements of process improvement and project management as tools used for productivity Tips, strategies and approaches to dealing with: 1) a diverse workforce; 2) “Generation X” employees, 3) governmental compliance; 4) managers and employees seemingly unable to embrace the unforgiving demands of the New Economy.

Conducting the Band: Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce

Seminar Mgmt 305

For the first time in history there are four generations working side-by-side in the 21st century workplace. This difference in age, approach and outlook is causing a noticeable gap in performance, productivity and profits. The primary reason for this current situation is the lack of communication between and among these employee groups which ultimately affects the delivery of quality goods and services to unforgiving customers. If this situation is to change it can only occur with management leadership and input from all segments of today’s employee population. You will learn how to: Use specific strategies and approaches to successfully lead a multi-generational workforce Identify and purge those de-motivators that destroy employee morale Identify and utilize the correct motivators for Gen Y and Gen X’ers Identify and utilize the correct motivators for Baby Boomers and Optimals Optimize the practices of companies and organizations that have successfully maximized the collective skills mix of their multi-generational workforce Plan and implement a system that acknowledges that generational differences can lead to increased performance and profits Put exuberance in the workplace and reinvigorate the workforce while doing it

Managing Conflict & the Difficult Employee – Where Did Civility Go?

Seminar Mgmt 306

More and more organizations are finding it necessary to educate their management and supervisory staff on how to successfully manage conflict in the workplace. There are obvious reasons for this management development, including: the fact that: 1) conflict detracts from performance and productivity; 2) unresolved conflict can often lead to workplace violence; 3) good employees will not remain in an environment where there is unresolved conflict; 4) stressful environments may lead to expensive workers’ compensation claims and harassment lawsuits. You will learn how to: Identify and diffuse or remove conflict Head off conflict before it turns to violence Identify your communication strengths and weaknesses regarding conflict management Teach others to identify, resolve and/or report symptoms of conflict in the workplace Determine when a particular conflict issue needs the intervention of professionals other than yourself Teach your employees how to effectively resolve conflict among themselves

Time Management: More than a Process – It’s a Timely Way to Do Business

Seminar Mgmt 307

Day Timers, PDAs, Androids, iPADs, the Cloud, electronic calendars and other devices are just tools and are no substitute for self-discipline. The merry-go-round is not going to slow down; in fact it’s speeding up. Your work and the work of your work-teams still needs to get done and done on time; profits depend on it. You will learn: The five strategies for time management The six most common time wasters How to eliminate time wasters How to use meetings effectively and on a timely basis How to prevent others from “stealing” your time How to plan your time and the time of others How to teach others to effectively plan their time How to work smart

Project Management – A Management Tool for the Millennia

Seminar Mgmt 308

Today’s companies don’t lack the energy to succeed. Or the will to succeed. Or the commitment to succeed. More often than not they are experiencing change and the concerns that accompany change. To resolve these issues, forward-thinking companies must identify and define processes to develop and deliver new products and services faster and more cost effectively. Increasingly, these companies are recognizing these processes as project management. You will learn how to: Manage change Establish priorities Capture opportunities Identify and maximize resources Communicate clearly and consistently Agree on methodology and structure Develop appropriate skills and adequately train staff Integrate the necessary technology, software and related tools Establish a system that recognizes and rewards both individual and team accomplishment

Process Improvement: Pathway to Prosperity and Profits

Seminar Mgmt 309

Organizations are clamoring for clarity, focus, process and product and service delivery because they know that without these components in place they can never be considered world-class. Consequently executive leadership is needed to support process improvement as a key management initiative. You will learn how to: Review intent and requirements of process improvement Identify customer-driven quality Define the leadership needed to implement and sustain process improvement Inculcate employee involvement Identify needed critical leadership and staff behaviors Clarify how process improvement can be used to support your organization’s management philosophy Identify the challenges of using process improvement given your organization’s existing philosophy Develop a shared understanding of how process improvement methodology should be implemented and supported Identify change management drivers and constraints Use force field analysis/SWOT Use milestones chart to develop a responsibility assignment matrix for who will be doing what and when Methodology to review the process improvement initiative

Safety for Your People and Compliance with Mandated Regulations

Seminar Mgmt 401

A universal corporate problem is finding and maintaining effective solutions to workplace safety and reducing rising medical and healthcare costs associated with workplace illnesses and injuries. Many companies have “right-sized” their organizations to the point that complying with federal, state and local employee health and safety legislation is an administrative nightmare. Consequently, employee safety education and compliance doesn’t always get done when it should, which may result in a more costly problem. You will learn how to: Identify, develop and maintain an injury and illness prevention safety program that is in compliance with federal, state and local legislation Develop and conduct general health and safety training sessions Provide training on specific hazards Identify and educate employees regarding their responsibilities to prevent illness and injuries Communicate worksite hazards Educate employees on how to report worksite hazards Investigate injuries and illnesses Correct worksite hazards Learn when to evacuate the worksite Respond to fires, bomb threats, chemical spills earthquakes, workplace violence, etc Use ergonomics as a viable tool for arriving at the best possible fit between workers and the work they do. Manage RMI (Repetitive Motion Injury) Utilize factors to determine the viability of modifying work

Substance Abuse, Procedures & Testing

Seminar Mgmt 402

Performance and productivity can be severely compromised when substance abuse is present in the workplace. Many employers overreact to this challenge and others completely ignore it. This course will teach how to effectively and sensibly deal with substance abuse in your workplace. You will learn: When or whether to provide pre-employment physical examinations What are acceptable pre-employment inquiries What is defined as a medical examination The initial considerations before beginning a testing program The circumstances in which drug and alcohol testing may occur How to implement routine testing in annual or periodic physical examinations What qualifies as “reasonable suspicion” testing Whether to conduct post-accident testing Who should and should not conduct random drug testing Some legal restrictions to drug and alcohol testing Your role as a manager in determining reasonable suspicion The factors determining reasonable suspicion for conducting drug test of employees

Communication Skills, Techniques & Approaches

Seminar Mgmt 403

It is absolutely impossible to effectively and consistently deliver a world-class product or service in a customer-driven economy in which there is a severe inability to communicate to internal and external audiences. Organizations are realizing that clear, coherent, concise and purposeful communication is key to consistent and continuing productivity and profits. You will learn: What is communication The reasons why organizational communication breaks down Six ways to improve organizational communication Ten communication techniques How to give and receive feedback How to ignore excuses and attack the problem How to take the initiative to solve problems How to announce problems and give bad news How to use communication to obtain desired behaviors from employees

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making – How the Pros Do It

Seminar Mgmt 404

Many managers look at adverse situations as problems rather than as opportunities to grow and expand the possibilities. Others deny the presence of problems. Still others are often the very cause of the problem. Today’s organizations are not looking for problems but for problem-solvers with solutions. You will learn how to: Overcome self-imposed limitations to problem-solving The five steps to turning problems into opportunities Spot the six pitfalls to avoid in the problem-solving process How to identify the positive and negative reactions to problem-solving How to deal with your boss when s/he is the problem How to develop and maintain an Action Plan to reduce, resolve or minimize problems

Customer Service: The Ultimate Reward

Seminar Mgmt 405

No one denies the fact that we live in a customer-driven economy. Many strive to achieve and maintain customer satisfaction. Many wouldn’t know how to deliver customer satisfaction if it hit them in a head-on crash. A select few are surviving and thriving because they truly know how to “deliver the goods.” You will learn how to: Identify the components to customer satisfaction Identify and eradicate those practices and activities that compromise or preclude customer satisfaction Recruit and retain workers who understand the criticality of customer satisfaction Weed out those who are unable or unwilling to consistently contribute to customer service Educate your workforce on the successful components to customer satisfaction Recognize and reward your workforce when they consistently assist your organization in delivering satisfactory customer service Compare your efforts with the competition Grab and secure customer loyalty

Coding, Record-Keeping and Collections (Healthcare)

Seminar Mgmt 406

Workplace Negotiations: A Powerful Leadership Tool

Seminar Mgmt 407

Everyone negotiates but unfortunately some negotiate very badly! Today’s workforce is highly educated, knowledgeable and sophisticated regarding workplace policies, procedures and past practices. Few realize that one of the key components of effective communication is the ability to successfully negotiate. Managers who still believe that they can demand work with the threat of termination or “because I said so” are not only missing the boat – they aren’t even aware that the ship has already left the dock. Successful, respected and effective leaders know that possessing good negotiating skills in today’s ever-changing and dynamic workplace is critical when working with subordinates, peers, superiors, vendors and ultimately – the customer. You will learn how to: Get what you want without being a jerk about it Understand the criticality of good negotiating skills Remove the fear of negotiating Say “no” when “yes” would be a complete disaster Say “yes” at the right time Plan a negotiating strategy and successfully carry it out Identify cultural, gender, age, class and racial barriers that often prevent successful negotiation Identify and satisfy the needs of those with whom you negotiate

Partners Equal Power

Together, we can navigate the opportunities you face in business, and in your career. Don't go it alone.





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